A Few Words...

What is written here is my opinion and personal experience only. I am not qualified to give advice - medical, legal, or otherwise. Please be responsible and do your own research regarding treatments, diets, doctors, and alternative therapies.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Is it really working this time???

The gent, I mean. 

It's been 3 weeks and 4 days since my last shot which can be the typical window in which the effects are likely to take hold.  So there's a little personal experience and scientfic evidence behind my optimism here.  Thanks also to a fellow MMer who got me past the 2-week point when I was still getting vertigo for telling me she didn't feel anything until 3 weeks post-shot.  You know who you are and thanks for the encouragement!

Yesterday my ear started buzzing a bit and continually ramped up throughout the day.  By bedtime I was feeling those off-kilter feelings that precede a full-blown vertigo attack.  So I took 2 mg of Valium, which historically has never prevented an attack for me, it just takes the edge off and I always have to take more once the spins really start up.  But I fell asleep, slept through the night, and woke up with that sloshy, water-in-the-ear feeling that always follows an attack.

I think the gent is working.  I REALLY hope I am not jinxing myself, but I am feeling giddy.


  1. that's encouraging news! fingers and toes crossed for you!!

  2. ok, you don't have to approve this comment but i have to tell you that the little test word i had to type in for the last comment was "misheer" HA! i got a good chuckle out of that! mishear!!! i know i have a weird sense of humor. :)

  3. I have to post that! That is freaky weird.
